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Neighbourhood Watch is one of the biggest and most successful crime prevention initiatives ever. Behind it is a simple idea and a central value shared by hundreds of thousands of people around the country.


The simple truth is that getting together with your neighbours to take action can cut local crime.



Neighbourhood watch schemes can :


• cut crime and the opportunities for crime.


• help and reassure those who live in fear of crime.


• encourage neighbourliness and closer communities.


Everyone knows that the police are there to fight crime, but they need your help to do an effective job. Neighbourhood watch is all about an active partnership with the police. Neighbourhood watch is not just about crime figures it’s about creating communities that care.



(Pictured left Bristnall Neighbourhoos watch members working in partnership with local PCSO's)

Neighbourhood Watch brings local people together and can make a real contribution to improving their lives. The activity of watch members can foster a new community spirit and a belief in the communities ability to tackle problems.


How do neighbourhood watch schemes work ?


Neighbourhood watch schemes can be large for example covering several Streets on a large residential estate or they might involve just a dozen houses in a Street or Grove.


A scheme is usually lead by a volunteer Co-Ordinator who may be assisted by an assistant Co-Ordinator. The Co-Ordinators role is to get people working together and make sure things get done.




If you are interested in setting up a neighbourhood watch in your area, or you wish to check if your scheme is still registered with Sandwell Police then please contact :-


or fill in your details below and click send to email your


Jessica Redmond


Engagement & Consultation Officer

Partnerships Team

Sandwell Police Station

Moor Street

West Bromwich

B70 7AQ


Tel 101 ext 811 3043

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2016 Sandwell neighbourhood watch conference

The 2016 Sandwell neighbourhood watch conference took place on Saturday 29th October  The conference was held at the Salvation Army Hall, Merton Close (off Pound Road), Oldbury. 


The day was well attended by a number of scheme Co-Ordinators and members from around Sandwell. Presentations included ourselves, West Midlands Police and Sandwell MBC trading standards.

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